Friday, August 5, 2011

Games and a Vectrex

Those sharp vector graphics haven't aged a day and the Vectrex remains as brilliant and difficult to properly emulate as the day it was released. Guess you'll thus have to actually own one to fully appreciate its arcade-inspired games, analog stick and unique display, and this particular Vectrex & 6 games auction seems like a more than decent bundle. Seller ships worldwide.


  1. I own one with a older Multi cart and I LOVE it! That is a opening bid price, -even at the Buy-It-Now price is fair since it comes with 6 games. Plus now they have a few flash card options so you can now make your own multi-cart. To say nothing of all the new games people have made. If I didn't already have one I'd have jumped on this!! This is one system that was truly one of a kind!!

    LOVE MY VECTREX!!!! =)

  2. Oops! I menat to say "That is a FAIR opening bid price..."

  3. And the shipping cost is pretty decent too. As for the mulitcart and the vibrant homebrew scene, well, dear Gary, they are nothing short of amazing. Just like the Vectrex itself :)

  4. The Vectrex is still the most singularly unique home gaming experience I think I've ever had. When I first fired it up after that PhillyClassic trip ... amazing. What a gift that device was to hardware enthusiasts and gamers alike. In fact, here's a write up I did ages ago (2001) about Frogger (1998) :-)

  5. And what a brilliant link too. Thanks a ton Charlie!

  6. 170$? That's a deal, I praise the lucky guy who won the auction!

  7. Amazingly yes. A most excellent bargain after all.
