Monday, August 15, 2011

GameCube Metal Gear Solid Edition

The rare, shiny and beautiful Metal Gear Solid Edition of the Nintendo GameCube is one of the few reasons to actually pay much for a GameCube; the standard edition and even the Wii usually do their job just fine. Happily, Retro Treasures stalwart Boris has discovered a fantastic MGS Gamecube auction that comes in a most excellent, boxed condition. Seller ships worldwide. 


  1. Nice! I didn't even know a MGS version existed. If I didn't already have a couple of the regular kind I'd be quite tempted.

  2. Same thing. It's lovely, but the Wii is doing fine doubling for a Gamecube, though I do have a feeling this will be immensely rare in a decade or so.

  3. Nice box, but it's really unexplainable why limited cubes only have a different color and some decoration on the central circle... I mean, was it THAT hard to paint something on the body?

  4. Well, Nintendo's soul *is* a dark and inexplicable abyss dear Mik. We'll probably never know...

  5. Good point Mik. And yes, thank you Gnome - I've been saying that for years! :)

  6. I 'm pretty sure I read that the Metal Gear HD collection that's coming out in Europe probably won't have Metal Gear Solid, which would be a shame. I'm led to believe that the Gamecube version (Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes) fixed a lot of the problems of the PSOne original - and certainly the GC game was a remake from the ground up, but I think Nintendo actually paid Konami to port it to the Gamecube, so there's next to no chance of it being included in any form in the HD collection.

    Still, I'd like to track down a copy of the GC version to play on the Wii someday, just to see that it's like without the jagged edges (yes, Sony PlayStation, I'm looking at you). Mind you, my stack of as yet unplayed Wii/Gamecube discs is getting steadily bigger...

  7. @ MadPlanet: You madly wise planet, you.

    @ Bob: Ah, yes, but game stacks do have a natural tendency to simply grow. Who knows, they might actually start evolving. As for GC games, I've yet to properly play Eternal Darkness for more than a couple of hours...
