When Commodore released the now legendary C64 they simply couldn't have imagined it would turn out to be the single most popular computer model ever produced, selling well over 17 million units. Then again, many (probably 5 billion minus 17 million) have never even touched this classic 8-bit powerhouse, and thus never heard the astounding tunes the SID chip could reproduce.
Thankfully, they now have another chance. They can simply get themselves a complete (boxed, too) Commodore 64 with all the cables and the obligatory cassette player along with 31 original games straight from ebay. Among the games there are such gems as Paperboy, Spy Hunter, Little Computer People, The Way of the Exploding Fist and the rather obscure Yes, Prime Minister.
Seller ships worldwide and you'd better hurry.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The gaming world of Commodore 64
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, Game Collection
Thursday, April 26, 2007
King of Fighters Collection for Neo Geo SDK
First Published in 1994 by SNK, the game was originally designed to be a dream match of characters from the company's various arcade titles, particularly Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, Ikari Warriors and Psycho Soldier. The success of the game lead to SNK releasing yearly installments of the series and numbered the games for the year they were released.
And yes you guessed it someone has compiled the releases for 94 95 96 97 98 99, that's 6 classics for the Neo Geo.. yours with a little bonus only on ebay.com
Seller ships to US only
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Labels: Retro Games
Monday, April 23, 2007
Vintage 2000 AD Comic

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Labels: 2000AD, Judge Dredd, Master System, Rogue Trooper
Amiga 500 plus 83 games
Commodore's best-selling Amiga model and the first "low-end" Commodore Amiga 16/32-bit multimedia home/personal computer.
Now on ebay.com your chance to relive the happy gaming days of yore, when loading times were moments of apprehension and adventure and not a reason for complaint.
Full list of games on link, Seller ships worldwide.
Amiga 500 plus 83 games on ebay
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Labels: Amiga
Commodore 64/128 games. A bag of them.
Sometimes an auction comes up that's just intriguing, even if vaguely described. Take this C64 games bag for example. It's all about 64 boxed games, 19 unboxed (?) ones and a lovely Commodore tape player. The names of the games are not stated and the seller only ships to the UK, but it's more than obvious the naughty Viz game is one of the lot.
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, Europe, Game Collection
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Keystone Kapers for Colecovision
Published in 1983 by Activision, the game was based on the silent films of the same name (ask your Grandad). The player (Officer Keystone Kelly) must catch Harry Hooligan before he can escape from the shopping mall. There is no end to the game; each level gets progressively harder, adding more and/or faster hazards until Kelly loses all of his lives.
Of course if you haven't got a Retro Colecovision console this entry is entirely academic.
Keystone Kapers game for Colecovision on ebay
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Labels: Rare games, Retro Games
Alien Vs. Predator for the Atari Jaguar
Alien Vs. Predator by Rebellion (MobyGames entry, Wikipedia entry, Atari Age entry) is the best game to ever grace the 64-bit(-ish) Atari Jaguar, and a brilliant horror FPS. Actually, it's the first FPS to allow for 3 distinctly different game experiences, as players get to battle through its 3D gloomy environments as either a marine, an Alien or even an all-powerful Predator.
Unfortunately as AvP is one of the (admittedly few) reasons to own a Jaguar, people tend to stick with it. The game is thus quite rare. Then again, it's just hit ebay at what seems like a decent price, especially for a new & sealed game box. Click to see the Alien Vs. Predator auction. Seller ships worldwide.
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Labels: Atari, Jaguar, Rare games
Friday, April 20, 2007
Atari Lynx & 6 games
Ah, yes, the beloved Atari Lynx in its original king-sized shape. The first color handheld ever, the technological beast that easily overshadowed the Sega Game Gear and Atari's only attempt to enter the then-emerging handheld market. An amazing console with an excellent game library and a variety of unique features. My first games console. A complete and utter flop. Damn! Still, a piece of retro gaming paradise worth owning.
Anyway, you can learn more on the Atari Lynx here and browse through its games over at Atari Age. Heck, you can even get yourselves a Handy emulator for the thing, but to feel the very real, very physical sensation you'd better bid on an Atari Lynx with 6 games over at ebay.co.uk. The seller ships worldwide and the games include Checkered Flag, APB and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Other titles you might have to consider picking up:
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Labels: Atari, Lynx, Rare games, Retro handhelds
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Shadow of the Beast Amiga
Shadow of the Beast (MobyGames entry), released by Psygnosis back in 1989 on the 16-bit powerhouse that was the Commodore Amiga (and subsequently on everything from the Atari Lynx to the C64 to the Sega MegaDrive/Genesis), was a major jaw dropper and an absolute killer-app. It featured unbelievable graphics, many levels of parallax scrolling, brilliant art direction and some rather impressive music. Oh, and it was a bastard to play. Probably the most difficult game I've ever touched.
For a chance to play (uh, touch?) this impressive piece of history and touch (play with?) its incredible over-sized box, better bid on Shadow of the Beast @ ebay. Seller ships worldwide and you'll probably get it for under a fiver.
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Labels: Amiga, Retro Games
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Earthbound RPG for SNES
Tracy is modeling a divine silk evenin........ erm sorry...
Earthbound is an rpg released in Japan in 1994 as MOTHER 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushū (Gyiyg Strikes Back). The games simple graphics, compared to similar rpg's at the time, meant that releasing the game in the US was considered somewhat of a gamble. In an attempt to increase sales, the game extensively promoted within Nintendo Power, with various special offers, including a contest involving scratch-and-sniff stickers, as well as a Nintendo Power-published player's guide. Notably the game featured an oblique projection, while most RPGs at the time uses a top down view on a grid or an isometric perspective.
The game and the guide and the oblique projection have shown up on ebay...
Earthbound and Game Guide on ebay
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Labels: Retro Games
Samba De Amigo Complete
Samba De Amigo (MobyGames entry) for the Sega Dreamcast, a unique maracas featuring rhythm-game develop by the (then) legendary Sonic Team, has hit ebay.co.uk one more time. Unfortunately though it's only available for UK residents and comes with a hefty 80£ Buy Now option.
Samba De Amigo DC auction
Mind you, you'll be bidding for a Japanese version of the game, complete with its rare peripherals and in -allegedly- mint condition.
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Labels: Europe, Rare games, Sega Dreamcast
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Pikachu Nintendo 64
Admittedly, the thing pictured above still is a Nintendo 64 and it does come with 4 games (including The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time), but really, look at it. It's a bloody eyesore and Pikachu is the freaking reset button. Anyway, if you want this ...uhm... unique item better try your luck over @ ebay.co.uk. Seller ships worldwide and N64s usually go 10£/18$/16€.
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Labels: 64-bit consoles, N64, Nintendo
Saturday, April 14, 2007
If you enjoy dance music, Panzer Dragoon, Dreamcast rarities which cost a bit , The Saturn and ingesting shitloads of ecstasy, this game could be right up your street. It was right up my street for some of the reasons above.
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Labels: Rez, Sega Dreamcast
Sega Saturn: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Panzer Dragoon Saga, a Holy Grail to most Sega collectors, is the rarest Sega Saturn game around, and definitely one of the best. It also is the only RPG in the whole Panzer Dragoon series, sporting some amazing (for the time) visuals, excellent semi real-time battles, a unique art-direction and a huge fully explorable game world. Now, Panzer Dragoon Saga has hit ebay (and it's still looking to be cheaper than the usual 100£) and is available worldwide:
Complete Panzer Dragoon Saga (PAL) auction
More info on the game:
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Labels: 32-bit, Rare games, Sega Saturn
Friday, April 13, 2007
Black Treamcast!
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Labels: rare items, Sega Dreamcast, Treamcast
Thursday, April 12, 2007
16 Colecovision Games
You will of course need one Colecovison system, but once that minor hurdle has been overcome, this ebay Games lot includes such retro gaming delights as:
Qubert, Frogger Lock N'Chase, Armor Ambush, Astroblast, Space Fury, Donkey Kong, Venture, Zaxxon, Mouse Trap, Pepper 2.
16 Colecovision Games on ebay.comSeller ships to US only
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Labels: Retro Games
Saint Etienne Dreamcast Shirt!

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Labels: Football, Retro Games, Sega Dreamcast
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Intellivision, an Intellivoice and 41 games
The Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. In 1983 Mattel introduced a new peripheral innovative for the time: Intellivoice, a voice synthesis device which produced speech when used with certain games, most of which would not work without the add-on component.
Renowned as the first 16-bit game console and the first system to feature downloadable games through "PlayCable", a device that allowed the downloading of Intellivision games via cable TV.
Luckily for us, such a configuration of retro loveliness has shown up on ebay
Intellivision, Intellivoice and 41 games
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Labels: 16-bit consoles, Retro Games
The Power of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2
Obviously one for UK residents only, but also a huge bargain making a trip to the island almost mandatory (unless of course one's afraid of planes, in which case swimming might be a good idea). Anyway. What I'm talking about is a beastly powerful ZX Spectrum Plus 2 (learn more @ Planet Sinclair) featuring an impressive 128K of RAM, a proper keyboard and a built-in tape recorder to make sure your retro games actually load. Happily you 'll get 18 boxed games to go with it (including: Operation Wolf, Robocop, Afterburner and Scrabble) and one of the eras notoriously unwieldy joysticks.
ZX Spectrum +2 with games auction
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, Europe
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
An original Sony PlayStation +goodies
It has sold over 100,000,000 million units worldwide, brought gaming to the masses, helped kill Sega and Atari, was the first console to ever make it into a club, provided the foundation for some brand new -now classic- franchises and was the first truly successful Sony invasion of the video games industry. What was it? Why, the original PlayStation (aka the Sony PSX) of course.
Now, if you never managed to get one of these classic consoles or if you had to settle for the later/cheaper PSOne, here's your chance to grab an original boxed PlayStation, an extra controller and six games (including FIFA 99, F1 World Grand Prix and Need for Speed 3). All you have to do is have a look at this lovely ebay PlayStation auction. Seller ships worldwide. Sole PlayStation units usually cost 10£/18$/15€.
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Labels: 32-bit, PlayStation
Monday, April 9, 2007
White Sega Saturn
Plucked from the labyrinthine passages of ebay, The 'white' plastic is in fact a very light gray and shares its color with the later Dreamcast. The cartridge flag is visibly gray. Limited models of the Saturn had oval buttons. Some people report faster CD access time with this model. The last official game for the system, Yukyu Gensokyoku Perpetual Collection, was released by Mediaworks on December 4, 2000.
Ah yes Retro Treasures, where imported Japanese Retro Consoles that play imported retro Japanese games are all in a days work.
White Sega Saturn only from ebay...
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Labels: 32-bit, Sega Saturn
Amiga 1200 Fast 'N' Furious & extra games
Definitely not the cheapest Commodore Amiga 1200 around, as they usually start at 30£ and this one has a 55£ Buy Now option, but it (she?) is coming in the relatively rare Fast 'N' Furious Pack, which means the machine sports an impressive 2MB of RAM and is accompanied by the Trolls and Nigel Mansell's World Championship games.
Six more games (including the brilliant Pinball Dreams), lots of magazine cover disks, the original Workbench, a joystick, a mouse and Deluxe Paint should be considered as nice extras. Now, where to get this lot? Easy really...
Amiga 1200 bundle @ ebay.co.uk.
You can find out more about the Amiga 1200 here and here. Oh, and the seller ships throughout Europe.
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Sega MegaDrive Arcade Stick
The Arcade Power Stick is, quite obviously really, a proper joystick thingy for all your Street Fighter 2 needs on the Sega MegaDrive. It is also pictured above and available (for UK residents only) through ebay.co.uk. Click the following link to bid on the Sega Arcade Stick.
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Labels: 16-bit consoles, accessories, Europe, Sega Genesis
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Atari 2600 Atlantis II
Many game companies in the 1980's held contests in an attempt to boost sales of their games and give their fans something fun to compete for. "Defend Atlantis" was one such competition, run by a company call Imagic.
Unfortunately for Imagic, there were a lot of good Atlantis players. In fact, more than a handful of individuals maxed out the score, so Imagic had to figure out a way to decide who the top four would be. They created a special contest version of Atlantis, which they called Atlantis II, that the top scorers would use for a tie-breaker. Atlantis II is basically the same as Atlantis, except that it's faster, harder, and lower scoring.
see Atari Age for full story
Low and behold one of these cartridges "appears" to have turned up on ebay, whether such a game warrants a $50,000 price tag, I'll leave up to you to decide
Atlantis II on ebay
for collection only in US
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Labels: Rare games
CDAccess: A retro CD-ROM games stash
It's amazing what some mindless google searching can come up with. Take CDAccess.com for example. I didn't even know such a retro-gaming PC oriented outlet could ever exist, yet there it was, happily selling all its PC and Mac, retro and not-so-retro wares at pretty decent prices (usually around 20$). Highlights of the CDAccess inventory include: The 7th Guest, Zork Nemesis, Starship Titanic, a Lucasarts Archives collection and Fallout.
And to think I stumbled upon this while searching for abandonware alternatives to the Underdogs and Abandonia... Tsk.
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Labels: Mac/Apple, PC Games, Retro Games
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Bally Astrocade with 7 games
An early video game console and simple computer system designed by a team at Midway, the videogame division of Bally. It was marketed for a limited time before Bally decided to exit the market.
The Astrocade included a BASIC programming language cartridge. Though incredibly supporting BASIC on the system was very difficult, because the display alone used up almost all the available RAM. The solution to this problem was very complex, and yet very clever, but we'll leave it to Wikipedia to fill in the blanks.
Bally Astrocade on ebay.com
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Labels: 8-bit home micros
Nintendo NES Console Action Set
Gotta love those nicely bundled retro gaming consoles. The NES Console Action Set in particular, as it comes complete with a classic Nintendo console, a Zapper light gun, 2 controllers and a Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros. double game pak cartridge. Lovely, isn't it? Grab it @ ebay.co.uk, then. Seller ships to UK only and our constantly updated guide can help you decide on the price of the thing.
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Labels: 8-bit consoles, Europe, NES/Famicom
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Ultima IV for C64
First released in 1985, the game is a rarity amongst RPGs in that the game's story does not center on asking a player to overcome an ultimate evil. Ultima IV is the first in the "Age of Enlightenment" trilogy, shifting the series from the hack and slash, dungeon crawl gameplay of its "Age of Darkness" predecessors towards an ethically-nuanced, story-driven approach.
Ultima IV lot contains:
2, Double-Sided Commodore 64 5 1/4" Diskettes in their Original Origin sleeves
1 Metal Anhk
1 Cloth Map
1 Original Ultima IV Product Box
1 "History of Britannia" Book (info about weapons, terrain, characters, armour, transportation, etc)
1 Book of Casting Spells
1 Origin Systems, Inc. Registration Card
1 Pamphlet about "The Way of the Avatar: An Ultima IV Clue Book"
1 Advertising Booklet of Other Origin Systems, Inc. Games
1 Pamphlet about "Quest for Clues" for game hints and solutions
1 Player Reference Card with Commands, Moon Phases, Language Decoder, etc.
wikipedia reference
Ultima IV only on ebay.com
seller ships to US only
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Labels: Rare games, Retro Games
Commodore 64 and 120 games
The Commodore 64 (a.k.a. C64 and CBM 64) is the most popular computer system ever sold and with good reason. It was affordable, powerful, upgradable, featured the amazing SID sound chip, had hundreds -nay, thousands- of games developed for it and an extensive porn library. The C64 was such a hit back in the day, some would say it still is popular enough to develop for.
For the few millions though that (for whatever reason) don't have access to such a wonder here's the solution: A C64 with 120 games @ ebay.co.uk. Yes, 120 games. Ten dozen. And a joystick. 2 tape players too.
Seller ships to UK only and a C64 without games usually sells around 10£.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
3DO FZ with 10 games
the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, is a line of video game consoles, released in 1993 and 1994 by Panasonic, Sanyo and Goldstar, among other companies. One of few CD-based consoles that feature neither regional lockout nor copy protection.
Reminiscent of Sony's Ps3 press policy, the 3DO's $699.95 price tag was initally defended by outlining the 3DO was not a video game console, but a high-end audio-visual system.
3DO with 10 games on ebay.com
Seller Ships to US only
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Labels: 32-bit
Sonic CD
Yes, Sonic CD, the biggest (84 levels) and best Sonic game ever and the only Sega Mega CD killer-app has hit ebay.co.uk. Have a look! Seller ships to the U.K. only.
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Labels: Mega CD, Retro Games
Monday, April 2, 2007
The Rocky Horror Show C64 game
Ah, The Rocky Horror Show (ZZap64 review)... What a movie, what a show, what a weird little 8-bit adventure game. Frank Furter fans will be ecstatic to know that the Commodore 64 tape Rocky tape has hit ebay and is being shipped worldwide. Do the time warp!
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Labels: 8-bit home micros, Retro Games