Saturday, May 31, 2008

SEGA Katana HKT-0120 Dreamcast Developer Box

sega dreamcast dev kit katana developer boxNot the cheapest thing to go for, but still affordable enough to be within reach of the (above) average Dreamcast psychotic. And yes, you can indeed grab a glorious Sega Dreamcast dev kit over @ eBay. Seller ships worldwide and can even provide with a copy of the Dreamcast SDK disc. Find out more about it here.


  1. That, along with the Dreamcast Diver 2000, is probably every Dreamcaster's wet dream :D

  2. Hmm.. guess I'll agree, even though my former Dreamcast wet dream included lots of Penthouse pets imaginatively posing around Dreamcasts... Oh, well...

  3. Daaaaammmmmmnnnn!

    I hope some developer gets his hands on this badboy....

  4. Judging by the number of Dreamcasts around that ar still being enjoyed, it wouldn't be such a fat chance...
