Monday, April 22, 2013

MTec Turbo 68020 accelerator for the Amiga 500

If you want to turbo-charge your Amiga 500, you could do much worse than grabbing this MTec Turbo 68020 card. It will add a 68020 CPU running at 33Mhz to your beloved micro and 4 megas of RAM. The expansion card has been tested and is working. Seller ships only within the US.


  1. Oh yeah, I heard of people still running this beast and surfin' the web smoothly... I had a little chat with a friend some weeks ago, and we agreed that Amiga was far, far ahead of its time, and a better marketing strategy would have put Commodore in place of Apple nowadays (or at least, as a third strong competitor in computer's market).

    1. I'm inclined to agree with you and your friend dear Mik. The Amiga was ages ahead of anything the competition had to offer and still holds up beautifully. Would really like a new platform following its mentality, mind...

  2. Oh what a wondrous utopian society that would be if Commodore were ahead of Apple... I'm off to write a piece of alternate historical fiction right now!

    1. Yes! Just don't make it too dark. And make sure all mobile devices are obliterated.

  3. FPU runs at 33Mhz (changable), CPU runs -sadly- at 14Mhz (fixed). For your information.
