Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Vectrex Arcade System

Vectrex arcade systemAh, dear Vectrex, beautiful as ever I see and still sporting your amazing monochrome vector graphics. Gamers looking to grab you complete with an excellent selection of games and goodies can try this auction, you know. Seller ships only within the USA, and has been kind enough to bundle 15 games, two controllers and a variety of other lovely bits the console. As for you dear readers, don't expect to pay much less than 400$ though. The Vectrex is quite a rarity, but one definitely worth the money you'll pay for it. 


  1. The one system that can't be emualated. I've still never played on one :(

  2. It's amazing. And looks brilliant. Never owned one, but I've played one (for hours) at a retro fair.
