Thursday, July 22, 2010

The ultimate vintage PC games collection

full throttlemyst boardgameOkay, if this weren't a USA only auction I'd already be bidding on it, as those 149 games and peripherals are -to say the least- amazing. Among them you'll find such boxed rarities and gems as The Dig, Fallout 1 & 2, The Space Bar, Rama, the Myst board game, joysticks, an assortment of weird controllers, the Police Quest Collection and even a 386SX PC (to name a few). Amazing, eh? Bid away!


  1. A really nice collection, but I expect it would be a pain in the arse to get them running!

  2. I believe -them being mostly adventure- ScummVM would be of great help. Failing that, DOSbox might come in handy too.

  3. Glorious! And a USA only auction - you finally found one for me :-) However, I should probably hold out for a Speccy...

  4. Hahaha... well, I don't really know, but I guess that the Speccy is indeed worth waiting for.
