A lovely game, a fantastic box, some cuddly disks and hours of brilliant Commodore Amiga retro gaming. Really. Grab this boxed copy of Christmas Lemmings via eBay and see for yourselves. Seller ships to Europe, North and South America.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Christmas Lemmings! In Easter!
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Labels: Amiga, Retro Games
Monday, March 24, 2008
King's Quest VI (uhm, 6) in its glorious original box
King's Quest VI, the only game that was designed by both Roberta Williams and Jane Jensen, is hands down the best King's Quest game ever. And its CD version was even more impressive and one of the few literally multimedia gaming offerings ever. Now, you could believe me and try grabbing King's Quest VI in its big box over from eBay. Seller ships worldwide. Then again, you could google around and discover its glory.
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Labels: Adventures, PC Games, Retro Games
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The classic Nintendo NES controller stash
Looking for some decently priced Nintendo NES controllers? Care to touch one of the most iconic video game accessories ever? Recently got an 8-bit multitap? Well, guess you'd probably hop over to Amazon.com
and grab a NES Controller then. There are quite a few to chose from and shockingly some brand new ones too.
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Labels: accessories, NES/Famicom, Nintendo
Friday, March 21, 2008
ZX Spectrum Interface 2
Always thought the ZX Interface 2 for the ZX Sectrum was a brilliant addition to the machine, what with its two joystick ports, the printer port and an insta-loading cartridge-like ROM slot, but apparently neither the masses nor game developers loved the thing. Must have been the price, the failure to be Kempston compatible and the distinct lack of popularity. Only 10 games were developed for its cartridge slot.
As the Interface 2 was quite the flop, you can imagine it's not the cheapest of Speccy expansions. Especially when boxed. Still, prices are far from astronomical and 25£, 50$ or 30 euro should be considered more than reasonable. Oh, and there's a fantastic boxed Sinclair ZX Spectrum Interface 2 with the Chess ROM game eBay auction going on. Seller ships worldwide too.
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Labels: accessories, rare items, Sinclair, Spectrum
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Mattel Intellivision & 8 Games
Released back in 1980 by Mattel, the Intellivision was a revolutionary (early) 16-bit console that never truly managed to threaten Atari. Still, the thing is a rare and very entertaining addition to any retro gaming collection. So, uhm, why not follow a link to an Intellivision & 8 games eBay auction? It's UK only and quite a bargain. Oh, and the Intellivision usually goes for more than 35£.
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Labels: Intellivision, UK
Monday, March 17, 2008
The portable CD-I 370
The Phillips CD-i 370 is a rather rare, portable and powerful version of the CD-i console. It is fully compatible with all CD-i games, comes complete with a digital video decoder to play VCDs, offers TV-out options, sports a rechargeable battery, can do both PAL and NTSC stuff, and is beautiful and compact enough to actually be ported around. To find out more about portable CD-i consoles click here.
To actually grab a CD-i 370 in great condition and what seems a logical price try this CD-i 370 eBay auction. Seller ships worldwide. Mind you, the battery pack of the console on offer does seem quite problematic. On the plus side, you do get a manual.
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Labels: cdi, Phillips, rare items
Saturday, March 15, 2008
eBay Rampage: Atari Lynx
The Atari Lynx may not have been a commercial success, but still managed to attract a cult following that is keeping the machine alive even in our DS/PSP infested day. The Lynx also managed to be the most powerful handheld available for something like 10 years and featured many interesting innovations, some excellent games and a fantastic colour LCD display. Average Lynx prices start at 20£, 40$ or 25 euros.

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Labels: Atari, eBay Rampage, Lynx
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Amiga CD32, SX-1 expansion, games and stuff
The Amiga CD32 almost saved Commodore you know... Almost. Anyway. What really matters is that the Amiga CD32 is an excellent (and quite pioneering) 32-bit CD-based console, that might be lacking in the exclusive software department, but more than makes up for it with the sheer quantity and quality of what's available. Find out more about it here, here and/or here.
As for the CD32 SX-1 expansion, well, it's a smart piece of kit that helps you turn your console into a fully working and quite improved Amiga 1200 computer, complete with HD connecting options, extra RAM slots, keyboard port etc. Read a review of thing here or browse through its manual here.
Now, to grab an Amiga CD32, a SX-1 expansion, a controller, a mouse, a joystick, all necessary leads and tons of games do try your luck with this Amiga CD32 bundle eBay auction. Seller ships within the UK only. The console usually goes for 20-25£, SX-1 prices start at around 15£ and the average CD32 game costs a couple or so quid.
Games included: Dangerous Streets, Wing Commander, Diggers, Nick Faldo's Championship Golf, Bubba 'n' Stix, Bump 'n'Burn, Alien Breed 3d, Oscar, Simon the Sorcerer, The Chaos Engine and James Pond "Robocod".
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Labels: 32-bit, Amiga, Amiga CD 32, Game Collection, Retro Games, UK
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sega Saturn Dragon Force (PAL) Boxed
Rare game are astonishingly rare and Dragon Force for the Sega Saturn is definitely one of the better of this... uh... rare breed of games. Actually, if critics are to be believed and you wisely ignore the nonsense I've typed so far, Dragon Force also happens to be an incredibly good RTS strategy game for the Saturn, that due to its low production rate has also turned into a highly sought-after collectible. To grab a copy better try your luck (and wallet) over at the aptly titled Sega Saturn Dragon Force Boxed Complete PAL eBay auction. Seller ships within Europe only.
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Labels: Europe, Rare games, Sega, Sega Saturn
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
98 lovingly boxed ZX Spectrum games
Ahh, yes, lovely indeed. To grab this Speccy games lot, do try a certain eBay auction. Seller ships to UK only.
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Labels: Game Collection, Retro Games, Sinclair, Spectrum