Sunday, September 23, 2007

Jet Set Willy C64 (tape)

According to the wise readers of the prestigious Retro Gamer magazine Jet Set Willy is one of the best platform games ever made. Yes, and it got voted despite being absolutely painfully hard. Must be the humor, wackiness, surreal levels, addictive gameplay and brilliant cover me thinks. Anyway, have a look at a video review and then go on and grab a lovely Jet Set Willy tape for your C64. It's an eBay auction and the seller is willing to ship to Europe, America, Japan and Australia.

Oh, and do have a look at the brilliantly freeware Jet Set Willy Online MMO. It's the best game ever, you know.


  1. ..what theres a magazine now?... how come we never thought a that.. a magazine... wow!... we're riding the cusp of a wave arent' we?

  2. Yep, Massively Multiplayer Online Magazine...

  3. erm.. if your a diminutive character are you allowed play massively multiplayer erm.. thingies...?

  4. Of course, but you're doubly charged...
