Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's fine day to start a ZX Spectrum Collection!

No, really, it is. It's cold, the Speccy still hasn't aged a day, a seller that ships worldwide has been discovered and this particular boxed ZX Spectrum auction will provide you with everything you need to get started and more. To be precise here's what you'll be getting: a complete, boxed 48k ZX Spectrum with a new keyboard membrane, a composite video output and a SCART adapter to connect the thing to a modern TV, a Walkman (!) to get your games loaded, a joystick with its interface and a small selection of games. 


  1. Definitely, a great choice to fill everyone's retrocomputing needs. I also modified my Speccy to connect it through the AV input (it's really easy, you just have to unwire two cables and solder them differently), and advantages are crystal clear. The only advice I would give to buyer is to replace walkman with an amplified tape player, as I always had problems loading tapes with cheaper players.

  2. Loving seeing you around again my friend! Happy 2013 and thanks for the tips!


  3. What a beautiful set! Thanks for sharing it Gnome.

  4. You are most welcome dear Charlie!

  5. Wow, you even have the horizons cassette in there. Hang onto that! Great find. I brought a few this weekend and it was just the computer and charger :(

  6. Awesome Machine. Awesome bundle. But I'd be tempted to quickly digitise the tapes, ditch the walkman and use a cheap MP3 player instead.

  7. Aye, I've thought about this too and will hopefully find the time to do it (actually The World Of Spectrum has wavs of most Speccy games), but there really is something to them loading sounds...
