Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tomy Omnibot- FK's Birthday Special!

Well I got lucky today and managed to inherit this rather fabulous Tomy Omnibot from my school. back in the 1980s this must have been as futuristic as anything you could find. I have coveted this particular specimen for years and now he is officially mine.

Want to become the owner of one of these retro automatons? Care to form an army with my Tomy Omnibot so we can take over the world and enslave humanity? MWWUAHAHA!!!!!

Then look here!


  1. Wow, excellent post. And did you know I actually still have Verbot, Omnibot's voice controlled smaller brother. He's the middle sized one in the pic... Nice trip down memory lane. Thanks FK!

  2. Too bad these guys were only about a half step above the R.O.B. for the NES.

    I wouldn't trust one with a glass of diet orange soda much less with any "world taking over" duties...

  3. ..does a tea and coffee making alarm clock qualify?... sorry to hear your school passed away FK...

  4. Tea 'n' coffee making alarm clock! What will they come up with next?

  5. (ponders.....) robots would be nice....

  6. Nah,, that's what pleasure cyborgs are for...

  7. ...guess that makes me

  8. Hey if you need help with your omnibot, check out this GREAT site:
    Omnibot Site
